Archive for the ‘Surviving abuse’ Category

Volcanoes: Recovery from rage

Wednesday, September 12th, 2007

nullIssues around rage are a common symptom to survivors of abuse, and have the potential to create havoc in their lives, involving their interpersonal relationships and their social interactive abilities. Coping mechanisms can be achieved.

Volcanoes: Recovery from Rage offers a road map to achieving change, taking the reader through acknowledgement, information and healing, and providing valuable management mechanisms for anger control.

This is an informative and comprehensive text for those who have experienced severe trauma and for professionals in the healing sector. In clear and precise language, Lindsey Fairfield takes us on a thorough analysis covering all aspects of the human journey through healing and returning to wholeness. Hetty Johnston, People’s Alliance Against Child Sexual Abuse

Released through Indra Publishing
Sept 2003 Paperback, 224 x 138 mm
Personal growth, surviving abuse
1st Edition ISBN: 0 6463970 0 1
RRP $aud24-95
ISBN(13): 9780646397009

The Author
As an adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse and a trained counsellor, Lindsey Fairfield is able to understand the need for acknowledgement, understanding and recognition of the validity of confused feelings experienced by survivors.

Lindsey conducts group sessions, teaching the process she developed to open up the spiral trap which intensifies the confused feelings resulting from childhood abuse. Focussed on recovery from the rage which is an extremely debilitating consequence of child abuse, Lindsey’s process has helped many survivors establish normal relationships and roles in our society which generally rejects anger.

Lindsey wrote this book from her personal experience as a survivor and as a counsellor, to help survivors develop the skills necessary for fitting comfortably in society, skills development which is missing from most counselling services.